Meet the Maker

Thanks so much for visiting Chapman’s Aromatics web page. I’m Sally, the maker of all the products,
a range of aromatic goods that contain the very best ingredients including essential oils and herbs.
My products combine my love of aroma, plants, history, fabric and creating things!
It’s lovely to be able to share them with you.
I started Chapman’s Aromatics in 1998, I can’t believe it’s that long ago but time flies when you’re having fun and I really love what I’m doing. I started by successfully completing a Diploma in Aromatherapy
and along the way I’ve gained a BSc (Hons) in Complementary Therapies specializing in Aromatherapy.
All of my products are made in small batches, have been analysed for safety by a cosmetic chemist
and comply with UK safety regulations.
Please get in touch, if you would like any more information, I’d love to hear from you.
Sally x